




  Irregular tank body circumferential welding equipment


  The welding of irregular tank body circumferential seams has become a major challenge in the welding field due to its complex shape, diverse materials, and high process requirements.20220310035447720


  The complexity of welding the circumferential seam of irregular tank bodies is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

  1、形状不规则性: 异形罐体形状多样,包括曲面、锥形、椭圆形等,导致焊缝走向和长度难以预测,传统的直线焊接方式难以适用。焊枪姿态控制难度大,容易产生焊接变形、焊缝不均匀甚缺陷。 例如,锥形罐体的焊接需要焊枪持续调整角度以保持焊接稳定,对精度和灵活性要求极高。凹凸不平的表面则需要更复杂的路径规划和焊枪控制。

  1. Irregular shape: The shape of the irregular tank body is diverse, including curved, conical, elliptical, etc., which makes it difficult to predict the direction and length of the weld seam, and the traditional straight welding method is difficult to apply. The control of welding gun posture is difficult, and it is prone to welding deformation, uneven welding seams, and even defects. For example, the welding of conical tanks requires the welding gun to continuously adjust the angle to maintain welding stability, with extremely high requirements for accuracy and flexibility. The uneven surface requires more complex path planning and welding gun control.

  2、环缝形状和尺寸多样性: 不同异形罐体的环缝形状和尺寸差异巨大,可能为椭圆形、弧形或不规则形状。这要求焊接设备具有高度适应性,能够根据环缝形状调整焊接参数和路径。环缝厚度和宽度的差异也需精确控制焊接电流、速度和送丝速度,保证熔透性和成形性。

  2. The diversity of circumferential seam shapes and sizes: The circumferential seam shapes and sizes of different shaped tanks vary greatly, and may be elliptical, curved, or irregular in shape. This requires welding equipment to have high adaptability and be able to adjust welding parameters and paths according to the shape of the circumferential seam. The difference in thickness and width of the circumferential seam also requires precise control of welding current, speed, and wire feeding speed to ensure penetration and formability.

  3、材料和厚度差异性: 异形罐体常采用碳钢、不锈钢、铝合金等多种材料,每种材料的焊接特性不同,需选择合适的工艺参数。即使同种材料,不同厚度也需调整参数,例如厚罐体需更大电流和更慢速度以确保熔透,薄罐体则需更小电流和更快速度避免烧穿。

  3. Material and thickness differences: Irregular tank bodies often use various materials such as carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum alloy, etc. Each material has different welding characteristics, and appropriate process parameters need to be selected. Even for the same material, parameters need to be adjusted for different thicknesses. For example, thick tanks require higher current and slower speed to ensure melting, while thin tanks require lower current and faster speed to avoid burning through.

  4、焊接质量与效率的矛盾: 上述难题导致异形罐体环缝焊接多依赖人工操作,效率低,易出现人为误差,影响焊接质量和稳定性,并增加劳动强度和生产成本。

  4. The contradiction between welding quality and efficiency: The above difficulties lead to the dependence on manual operation for the welding of irregular tank body circumferential seams, which is inefficient, prone to human errors, affects welding quality and stability, and increases labor intensity and production costs.


  To overcome these challenges, it is necessary to comprehensively apply advanced technology and optimize processes:20220310035447720

  一、 精密的焊接小车:确保平稳移动与精准定位

  1、 Precise welding trolley: ensuring smooth movement and precise positioning

  该系统采用精密设计的焊接小车,其底盘结构具备强大的承载能力和稳定性,能够在各种异形罐体表面平稳移动,即使面对复杂的曲面、锥形或不规则形状,也能保持精确的运行轨迹。小车配备高精度传感器,实时监测其位置和姿态,并通过反馈控制系统进行实时调整,确保焊接过程中的精准定位,避免因移动偏差导致的焊缝缺陷。 这不仅提高了焊接精度,也减少了因定位不准而造成的返工率,显著提升了生产效率。

  The system adopts a precision designed welding trolley, whose chassis structure has strong load-bearing capacity and stability, and can move smoothly on various irregular tank surfaces. Even when facing complex curved surfaces, cones or irregular shapes, it can maintain accurate operating trajectories. The car is equipped with high-precision sensors to monitor its position and posture in real time, and adjust it in real-time through a feedback control system to ensure precise positioning during the welding process and avoid weld defects caused by movement deviation. This not only improves welding accuracy, but also reduces the rework rate caused by inaccurate positioning, significantly improving production efficiency.

  二、 自动升降系统:操作简便,稳定可靠

  2、 Automatic lifting system: easy to operate, stable and reliable

  自动升降系统是该系统的一大亮点。 它采用的伺服电机和精密控制算法,实现焊枪的精确升降,操作简便快捷,无需人工干预。 升降过程稳定可靠,避免了因人工操作失误而导致的焊接事故,并确保焊枪焊接姿态,提高焊接质量的一致性。 自动升降系统还降低了对操作人员技能的要求,减少了培训成本,提高了生产线的灵活性。

  The automatic lifting system is a major highlight of this system. It adopts advanced servo motors and precision control algorithms to achieve precise lifting and lowering of the welding gun, with simple and fast operation and no need for manual intervention. The lifting process is stable and reliable, avoiding welding accidents caused by manual operation errors, ensuring the welding posture of the welding gun, and improving the consistency of welding quality. The automatic lifting system also reduces the requirements for operator skills, reduces training costs, and improves the flexibility of the production line.

  三、 灵活的焊枪设计:适应各种焊接需求

  3、 Flexible welding gun design: adaptable to various welding needs

  为了应对各种异形罐体和复杂焊缝的焊接需求,我们的系统配备了灵活的焊枪设计。焊枪能够进行多方位旋转和角度摆动,轻松适应各种焊接角度和姿态。 这使得系统能够处理各种类型的焊缝,包括直缝、环缝、斜缝等,并能有效应对罐体表面存在的凹凸不平和复杂曲率,确保焊缝的完整性和美观性。 灵活的焊枪设计也显著提高了焊接效率,减少了因调整焊枪姿态而造成的停机时间。

  In order to meet the welding requirements of various shaped tanks and complex welds, our system is equipped with a flexible welding gun design. The welding gun can rotate and swing in multiple directions, easily adapting to various welding angles and postures. This enables the system to handle various types of welds, including straight seams, circumferential seams, oblique seams, etc., and effectively deal with the unevenness and complex curvature of the tank surface, ensuring the integrity and aesthetics of the welds. The flexible welding gun design also significantly improves welding efficiency and reduces downtime caused by adjusting the welding gun posture.

  四、 智能化控制系统:提升效率,保证质量

  4、 Intelligent control system: improve efficiency and ensure quality

  搭载的智能化控制系统,能够根据不同的罐体类型、材料和焊缝参数,自动调整焊接工艺参数,例如焊接电流、电压、速度等。 系统还具备实时监控和故障诊断功能,能够及时发现并处理潜在问题,避免因焊接缺陷而造成的损失。 智能化控制系统不仅提高了焊接效率,也保证了焊缝的美观性和质量的一致性,减少了人工检测的成本和时间。 系统生成的焊缝平滑美观,符合行业标准。

  Equipped with advanced intelligent control system, it can automatically adjust welding process parameters such as welding current, voltage, speed, etc. according to different tank types, materials, and weld parameters. The system also has real-time monitoring and fault diagnosis functions, which can timely detect and handle potential problems, avoiding losses caused by welding defects. The intelligent control system not only improves welding efficiency, but also ensures the consistency of weld appearance and quality, reducing the cost and time of manual inspection. The welds generated by the system are smooth and aesthetically pleasing, meeting industry standards.

  五、 适应性强:满足个性化需求

  5、 Strong adaptability: meeting personalized needs

  具有很强的适应性,能够处理多种类型的异形罐体,包括不同材质、不同尺寸和不同形状的罐体。 系统可根据客户的具体需求进行定制化配置,满足各种个性化的焊接需求。 这使得该系统能够广泛应用于石油化工、制药、食品等行业,为客户提供可靠的焊接解决方案。

  It has strong adaptability and can handle various types of shaped tanks, including tanks of different materials, sizes, and shapes. The system can be customized according to the specific needs of customers to meet various personalized welding requirements. This enables the system to be widely applied in industries such as petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and food, providing customers with efficient and reliable welding solutions.

  六、 经久耐用,维护保养方便:确保生产线稳定运行

  6、 Durable and easy to maintain: ensuring stable operation of the production line

  系统采用高品质的零部件和的制造工艺,具有很高的可靠性和耐用性。 系统设计简洁,维护保养方便,减少了停机时间和维护成本,确保生产线的长期稳定运行。 系统还配备了远程诊断功能,方便技术人员进行远程维护和故障排除,进一步提高了系统的可用性和可靠性。

  The system adopts high-quality components and advanced manufacturing processes, with high reliability and durability. The system design is simple and easy to maintain, reducing downtime and maintenance costs, ensuring the long-term stable operation of the production line. The system is also equipped with remote diagnostic function, which facilitates technical personnel to perform remote maintenance and troubleshooting, further improving the availability and reliability of the system.


  Automatic welding machine for irregular tank body circumferential seam

  解决异形罐体环缝焊接难题,需要综合考虑形状、尺寸、材料、厚度等因素,并结合的自动化设备、优化工艺和严格的质量控制措施。 只有通过多方面协同努力,才能实现、高质量的异形罐体环缝焊接。

  To solve the welding problem of irregular tank body circumferential seams, it is necessary to comprehensively consider factors such as shape, size, material, thickness, and combine advanced automation equipment, optimized processes, and strict quality control measures. Only through multi-faceted collaborative efforts can efficient and high-quality welding of irregular tank body circumferential seams be achieved.

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