




来源://www.amar-u.com/  发布时间:2021-04-14 浏览次数:0

现今焊 接机器人的程度让人叹为观止,尤其是那些灵动的5轴6轴机器人,具有如此多的关节,还能够做到运动和指令的精 确传输,各部位紧密配合完成复杂的工作,让人不禁好奇它们的传动系统到底是怎样的?

Nowadays, the advanced level of welding robots is amazing, especially those smart 5-axis and 6-axis robots, with so many joints, can also achieve the accurate transmission of motion and instructions, and all parts cooperate closely to complete complex work, which makes people wonder what their transmission system is?
真 正的工业机器人关节到底是什么结构的呢
What is the structure of the real industrial robot joint
焊 接机器人在磨合期要注意哪些
What should welding robot pay attention to during running in period
1. Pay attention to the operating load of the reducer during the running in period. Generally, the operating load during the running in period should not exceed 85% of the additional operating load, and arrange the appropriate amount of work to avoid overheating caused by the continuous operation of the reducer for a long time.
2.合理选用润滑油,特别是输入功率大于11KW的减速机须注中负载齿轮油。要经常查看润滑油、液压油、冷 却液、
2. Select the lubricating oil reasonably, especially the reducer with input power more than 11kw must be injected with medium load gear oil. Always check the lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, coolant
Check the oil level and sealing quality of the whole machine. It is found that there is too much oil shortage during the inspection, and the reasons should be analyzed. The lubrication of smooth points should be strengthened,
Grease the lubricating points every week (except for special requirements). Pay attention to the rotation direction of the oil pump when the reducer with oil pump is connected to the power supply. Clockwise rotation is correct.
3. Keep the reducer clean, adjust and fasten the loose parts in time, so as to prevent the loose parts from aggravating the wear or losing. 4. At the end of the running in period, the machine should be maintained compulsorily, the inspection and adjustment should be done well, and the lubricating oil should be replaced.
以上就是小编为大家介绍的关于焊 接机器人的内容,希望可以帮助到大家,更多精彩内容请大家直接关注://www.amar-u.com会有更多精彩内容呈现。
The above is the content of welding robot introduced by Xiaobian. I hope it can help you. For more wonderful content, please pay attention to: //www.amar-u.com There will be more wonderful content.

