




来源://www.amar-u.com/  发布时间:2021-06-07 浏览次数:0

自动焊机可以实现焊 接过程的机械化和自动化,是为了适应我国产业升级和产业转型发展而发生的重大变化。它不仅标志着更高的焊 接生产效率和更好的焊 接质量,而且还大大改 善了生产劳动条件。在使用自动焊机时,大家是否知道自动焊机需要根据不同的环境进行必要的调整。

Automatic welding machine can realize the mechanization and automation of welding process, which is a great change in order to adapt to the industrial upgrading and industrial transformation development in China. It not only marks higher welding production efficiency and better welding quality, but also greatly improves the production and working conditions. When using the automatic welding machine, do you know that the automatic welding machine needs to be adjusted according to different environments.
1.自动焊机作业时,气路、水冷系统应畅 通。气体应保持干燥。排水温度不得超过40℃,排水量可根据气温调节。严禁在电弧引燃过程中断开熔断器。当焊缝焊渣时,应戴防护眼镜,头部应避开敲击焊渣飞溅方向。雨天不得在露天电焊。在潮湿地带作业时,包括全 面自然通风和全 面机械通风两种。
1. When the automatic welding machine is working, the gas path and water cooling system should be unblocked. The gas should be kept dry. The drainage temperature shall not exceed 40 ℃, and the drainage volume can be adjusted according to the air temperature. It is strictly forbidden to disconnect the fuse during arc ignition. When removing welding slag, wear protective glasses, and keep the head away from the splashing direction of welding slag. Welding in the open air is not allowed in rainy days. When working in humid area, there are two kinds of ventilation: natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation.
2.全 面自然通风通过车间侧窗和天窗进行自然换气。全 面机械通风通过管道及风机等组成通风系统进行全车间通风换气,通车有上抽排烟、下抽排烟和横向排烟三种方式。
2. Full natural ventilation, natural ventilation through the workshop side window and skylight. The ventilation system is composed of pipes and fans to ventilate the whole workshop. There are three ways to open to traffic: upper exhaust, lower exhaust and transverse exhaust.
The automatic welding machine used on site shall be equipped with rain proof, moisture-proof and sun proof shed, and corresponding fire-fighting equipment. When welding or cutting at high altitude, the safety belt must be fastened, fire prevention measures shall be taken around and below the welding, and special person shall be assigned to supervise. The operator shall stand at the place paved with insulating materials and wear insulating shoes.

